Visitas guiadas por los lugares más emblemáticos de Cusco
Una Historia de aventura en Explora Cusco 5 Días
Si alguna vez ha soñado con seguir los pasos de los antiguos incas, contemplar las impresionantes ruinas de Machu Picchu o hacer senderismo por coloridos paisajes de montaña, entonces Cuzco es su puerta a la aventura. Este itinerario de 5 días está diseñado para ofrecerle el equilibrio perfecto entre historia, naturaleza y cultura, llevándole por algunos de los destinos más emblemáticos de Perú.
Desde las animadas calles de Cuzco hasta la sobrecogedora belleza de la montaña Arco Iris y las serenas aguas turquesas del lago Humantay, cada día de este viaje está repleto de experiencias inolvidables. Tanto si es un aficionado a la historia, un ávido senderista o un explorador cultural, este viaje le dejará maravillado del mundo andino.
Resumen de Explora Cusco
1 Día: Llegada a Cusco – Tour a pie
2 Dia : Valle Sagrado – Machupicchu Pueblo
3 Dia : Machupicchu Tour – Cusco
4 Dia : Lago Humantay
5 Dia : Rainbow Mountain Vinicunca
¡dias adicionales y actividades en cusco, city tour, 4 ruinas o cualquier otro destino puede ser agregado a este paquete turistico si es necesario – solo pregunte al agente!
Galéria fotográfica
Itinerario del viaje
Primer Día: Llegada a Cusco
Asistencia a su llegada al aeropuerto de Cusco y traslado a su hotel. Allí, recibirá un briefing sobre su tour y recomendaciones sobre la organización de su viaje Explore Cusco.
Caminata opcional por la tarde
Por la tarde, tendrá una excursión opcional a pie para aclimatarse a la altitud o simplemente descansar. El guía turístico le llevará por las zonas turísticas más importantes de Cusco, como la plaza principal, la plaza de San Francisco, y el tradicional mercado de San Pedro, durante unas 2 horas.
Comidas Incluidas: Ninguna
Segundo Día: Valle Sagrado - Machu Picchu Pueblo
Temprano por la mañana Hoy nuestro guía lo recogerá de su hotel en la ciudad de Cusco a las 7 . a.m. en una excursión a Chinchero, un pequeño pueblo con hermosas vistas de las partes altas del Valle Sagrado, donde verá el catolicismo andino.
A continuación, nos dirigiremos a Moray (3.500 msnm / 11.482 pies), un sitio arqueológico con terrazas agrícolas en forma de anillos concéntricos, que se cree que fueron utilizados para experimentos agrícolas.
El siguiente destino serán las Salineras de Maras (3.000 msnm), un antiguo centro de producción de sal con más de 3.000 pozos de sal que datan de la época preincaica.
Finalmente, visitaremos Ollantaytambo y su impresionante templo sobre el pueblo, hogar de algunas de las mejores obras de cantería del Valle Sagrado. Tras una visita guiada que nos sumergirá en su fascinante historia, nos dirigiremos a la estación de tren para embarcar en el tren de Ollantaytambo a Aguas Calientes.
El viaje en tren, lleno de vistas espectaculares, durará aproximadamente 2 horas. Una vez en el pueblo de Aguas Calientes, se registrará en su hotel y tendrá tiempo libre para explorar el pueblo y, si lo desea, visitar los baños termales.
Comidas incluidas: Desayuno
Alojamiento: Hotel ***
Tercer Día: Tour a Machupicchu
Early in the morning, after a good breakfast, we take the bus to Machu Picchu by a 30-minute bus drive, climbing 8 km of winding road to the incredible Machu Picchu. Upon arrival, explore a detailed guided tour of this wonderful Inca citadel. For the most adventurous people, we suggest going up Huayna Picchu after the tour (book in advance).
Then you will ride the bus back to Aguas Calientes town and have lunch at a local restaurant. In the afternoon, you take the train back to Ollantaytambo station, where we transfer you in our private van back to Cusco City and drop you off at your hotel.
The whole journey from Aguas Calientes town to Cusco city takes around 4 hours.
Meals Included: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel ***
Cuarto día: Lago Humantay
Por la mañana (4:00 am), su guía turístico lo recogerá de su hotel y conducirá durante 3 horas hasta el punto de partida de la caminata. En el camino, nos detendremos en el hermoso pueblo de Mollepata para tomar un desayuno local, luego continuaremos el viaje con una vista escénica llena de valles y montañas andinas. Una vez que lleguemos al inicio de la caminata, sentiremos la presencia de los imponentes nevados de Salkantay y Humantay, que aún son considerados los dioses de la gente local.
Una vez preparados, caminaremos 2 horas cuesta arriba. Aunque todavía le cueste la altitud, tendrá la opción de alquilar un caballo para montar, y le dejarán cerca de su destino para llegar finalmente al lago glaciar de color turquesa y disfrutar de sus atractivos. Luego regresaremos por el mismo sendero para montar nuestra van privada hasta el pueblo y almorzar. Luego regreso a Cusco.
Comidas Incluidas: Desayuno y Almuerzo.
Quinto Día: Vinicunca clásica en la montaña del arco iris
¡Admire el colorido telar de montaña!
Saldremos muy temprano de Cusco, recogiéndole de su hotel a las 4:30 am, y conduciremos hacia el sur hasta la cabeza del sendero durante 3 horas, aunque nos detendremos en un restaurante local para tomar un desayuno tentador. Después seguiremos conduciendo hasta el comienzo de la caminata por una carretera sinuosa con vistas panorámicas durante una hora más hasta Llacto (4.630 metros a 15.190 pies), el punto de partida de la caminata.
Una vez allí, comenzaremos a subir a través de la naturaleza virgen con múltiples manadas de camellos andinos como llamas y alpacas dispersas en los prados, y con buena suerte, se puede apreciar las vicuñas silvestres que tienen la lana de fibra más fina.
Tras una agotadora caminata de 1:30 horas, alcanzaremos la cumbre (5.020 m). Que ofrece una vista natural deslumbrante de la montaña rayada Arco Iris y una gran vista de la montaña más sagrada de Cusco Ausangate (6.320 m); ¡le dejarán boquiabierto!
Después de una inspirada vista de la naturaleza vivida de los Andes y capturar las mejores fotos, retornaremos por el mismo sendero al inicio de la caminata y montaremos nuestro transporte privado para tener un delicioso almuerzo y luego retornar al Aeropuerto de Cusco. Si lo prefiere, quédese en su hotel.
Comidas Incluidas: Desayuno y Almuerzo
Fin del Paquete de Servicios Explore Cusco
El tour incluye
Todos los impuestos y tasas
04 noches en Cusco en Hotel 3*(en base a habitación Doble).
En la ciudad de Cusco: Casa Andina Standard Koricancha o similar
En Machu Picchu pueblo: Casa Andina Standard Machu Picchu o similar
04 desayunos y 02 almuerzos
Todos los traslados desde y hacia el aeropuerto.
Bus turístico privado para todos los tours.
Todas las entradas.
Tren a Machu Picchu en servicio Expedition Perurail (Ida y vuelta).
Bus a Machu Picchu (Ida y vuelta).
Bastón de caminata (4, 5to día)
Excursiones como se detalla en el programa
Guía profesional privado para todo el recorrido.
No incluye
Comidas no especificadas en el itinerario
Entrada a Huayna Picchu
Ascenso de tren al servicio Vista Dome
Seguro de viaje
¿Què LLevar?
Empacar sabiamente es clave para disfrutar plenamente de su experiencia Explora cusco 5 días y explorar los impresionantes paisajes de Cusco.
Pasaporte original
Mochila pequeña
Zapatos o zapatillas de senderismo
Senderismo ligero
Camisas y camisetas de manga larga
Chaqueta de abrigo, guantes y gorro
Poncho de lluvia o chaqueta impermeable
Sombrero y gafas de sol
Bañador (opcional)
Agua y sistema de hidratación
Repelente de insectos
Protector solar (FPS alto)
Papel higiénico y desinfectante de manos
Medicamentos personales y artículos de aseo
Equipo y accesorios adicionales
Cámara o Smartphone
Dinero Extra (Soles Peruanos, Pequeñas Denominaciones)
Servicio Privado
Salidas diarias con un mínimo de al menos 2 participantes
895,00 USD por persona
Estudiantes $ 850.00 US
Aplicado para personas que tengan Tarjeta de Estudiante Universitario vigente.
Menores de 10 años: $ 850.00 US
Por favor, envíe toda la información a
Tamaño del grupo: hasta 2-8 personas
Caminata a la montaña Huayna Picchu: US $ 75 por persona
Caminata Machu Picchu: US $ 70 por persona
Actualizar el servicio de tren VISTADOME
Ida: US $ 35.00
Ida y vuelta $70.00 USD
Comentarios de nuestros viajeros
brooke w
We booked the day trip to rainbow mountain and Elistan took care of everything. The trip was well planned, the sites were beautiful and the lunch was amazing. Some of the best food we had the entire trip. We also booked the Inca trail 4 days and 3 nights. The entire trip was amazing. It was the most incredible adventure I have ever been on. Elistan and his crew are the best on the entire trail. We had the best service, best camp sites and best food. The crew always had our campsite ready for us when we arrived. If you are looking to book this trip you have to go through Allyn Pacha. They will help you from the moment you land in Cusco! Message them with any questions and they are very responsive.
Abby O
Incredible tour and experience!
My friend and I had the best time on the 2-day Inca trail tour! Eli was an incredible guide and was so friendly and knowledgeable. We would definitely recommend booking a tour with Allyn pacha!
Romina P
Inca trail + Machu Picchu
With ALLYN PACHA you’re given what you were promised (which is not always obvious with other companies). Elistan knows everything about the Inka culture and the Inka trail. There’s no question he couldn’t answer and would be sincere if something wasn’t dating back to XV century (e.g fountain inside Machu Picchu). Very professional and funny at the same time. He knew the best spots for pictures, and rest. He also advised the best time to take the bus in order to avoid the immense queue. I had a lot of fun and discovered a lot about Machu Picchu history. Thanks Elistan!
Preston B
Best 4 day Inca Trail Experience!
We completed the (4) day Inca trail Machu Picchu expedition with Allyn Pacha in September 2024. Allyn Pacha, Elistan, & the entire crews attention to detail, help, knowledge, rides, food, and planning were perfectly setup, making our experience one to remember forever. If anyone is thinking about using a company to complete this trek, please contact Allyn Pacha. I promise, it will be worth it!!
Jaime J
Rainbow mountain Extravaganza!🌈
We used Allyn Pacha for our Rainbow mountain tour adventure, was a great and private experience. Had an amazing breakfast and lunch spot as well.
Jaime J
ClassIc Inca trail 4 day. Our best trip adventure ever!
Allyn Pacha went above and beyond expectations. The moment we were picked up at the airport we were put at ease that everything was being taken care of. Allyn Pacha took great care of us and we will use them again for other trips and tours to do in Peru.
Dan P
Fantastic once in a lifetime adventure
The tour was amazing though the hike was very challenging. Allyn our guide explained the history in detail and was very patient during our hike. He made sure we were well prepared. Allyn also came with us to Puerto Maldonado.
Bucket List Classic Inca Trail Hike
Wow! If you want an unforgettable bucket list trip then book a trip with Allyn Pacha Peru Tours. I promise you won’t regret it. We did the Classic Inca Trail 4 day hike. The hike was challenging, but Elistan does such a phenomenal job of balancing hiking and break time. Now, let me tell you about the food. I was blown away with the gourmet meals they were able to prepare for us atop a mountain! Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between were all SUCH a treat! I’m a shower loving girl and I was worried how I was going to make it 3 nights without a shower. The warm water and washcloths made me feel refreshed each day. That was a nice surprise! The views and beauty you experience at every turn on this hike cannot be captured by a photo! You truly must come to experience with your own eyes. Also, you MUST book with the best guide out there… Elistan at Allyn Pacha. We have made a lifelong friend in him. He and his family are world class. Book the trip! You won’t regret it!
Jonathan C B
Adventure of a Lifetime
If you’re planning to go to Peru then stop looking for a tour guide and book your trip with Elistan at Allyn Pacha. My wife and I have traveled quite a bit throughout the US and several other countries. I don’t think we’ve ever come across anyone as kind and hospitable as Elistan. From the moment we met him it was very clear that his main goal was to make our trip as enjoyable as possible. We booked the four day Incan Trail with Elistan. The day before we departed for our hike on the Incan Trail we visited Rainbow Mountain, which was beautiful. It was a fairly long and bumpy drive to and from Rainbow Mountain but we thought it was worth it. Hiking the trail was pretty demanding physically for our group (3 couples in our late 30s to early 40s). Make sure you are in decent shape before you come. Elistan did a wonderful job of making sure we pushed ourselves, but kept us from pushing ourselves to the point of exhaustion. Each day of the hike was a bit different and the views we were rewarded with were amazing. Finishing the 4 day journey at Machu Pichu was the perfect way to end a once in a lifetime adventure. Elistan and his team of porters did a wonderful job keeping us comfortable at our campsites and kept our bellies full with delicious meals every day—it was really amazing the meals that they were able to prepare for us considering they had to haul all of our food and the camp kitchen on their backs every night. Elistan was already doing an amazing job of taking care of us but went even further above and beyond when my wife and I learned on the last night that our son, who was staying with grandparents back home in the USA, had developed appendicitis and needed emergency surgery. Elistan worked tirelessly that evening to help us find a way to get home faster and held our hands as we prayed for our son that night while he was in surgery thousands of miles away. Thankfully, our son did very well with surgery. With 4 wonderful grandparents and a team of friends back home watching over him we decided to go ahead and finish the hike. We spent our last day enjoying Machu Pichu, a wonderful lunch in Aguas Calientes and then a train and bus ride back to the beautiful city of Cuscos to rest and enjoy a hot shower (feels amazing after 4 days hiking on the trail) before heading home to the states. I would definitely rate Elistan and his team a 10/10 and would strongly encourage you to book your trip with him today before someone else does. It’s an experience few will be fortunate enough to have and one you will never forget.
Taylor M
An experience of a lifetime!
We had the absolute pleasure of meeting Eli from Allyn Pacha tours for our 9 day trip in Cusco Peru. Eli is extremely knowledgeable and so accommodating! He truly goes above and beyond for his travelers and assures you have a wonderful experience! He is excited to show you around and share his knowledge and secretes in order to miss the crowds and see incredible views. I cannot say enough how impressed I was with his hospitality. Our decision to book our tours with Eli through Allyn Pacha was the best choice we have ever made while traveling. This decision made our entire experience in Peru absolutely unforgettable. From the beginning research phase, Eli was extremely responsive, answering any and all questions and offering suggestions to make the most of our itinerary and time in Peru. During our trip my fiancé came down with altitude sickness and with no hesitation, Eli rushed over and nursed my fiancé back to health with his natural herb remedies. From start to finish Eli went above and beyond to continue to amaze us. Whether it be him nursing us back to health, surprising us with pillows and blankets for the car rides, making sure we were ok every step of our journey, and or being a phenomenal photographer, the list could go on and on. We are so thankful to have met Eli and to be in such great hands. Eli is extremely knowledgable, funny, kind-hearted, and genuinely cares about offering amazing experiences. He has worked 20+ years in the industry and knows the ins and outs of not just history and site-seeing’s, but how to make experiences the most enjoyable for his guests. I would 1000% recommend booking your Peru trip with Eli from Allyn Pacha. It’s never a goodbye, it’s see you later. Thank you Eli, until next time!
Explora Cusco 5 Días
Tipo de tour Aventura cultural y en la naturaleza
Duración 5 días / 4 noches
Nivel de dificultad Moderado, pero desafiante
Desde:$ 990.00El precio original era: $ 990.00.$ 895.00El precio actual es: $ 895.00.
¡Explora nuestros otros emocionantes paquetes turísticos que podrían captar tu interés! Descubre una variedad de experiencias inmersivas diseñadas para satisfacer el espíritu viajero de cada persona.
Full day
Valle Sagrado Tour Extendido Día Completo
Desde: $ 90.00El precio original era: $ 90.00.$ 75.00El precio actual es: $ 75.00.